In New Hampshire, there are many partner organizations who work to help research rabbits and conserve New England cottontails. Several of these groups advise landowners, towns, companies, and organizations on how to make young forest and shrubland to help New England cottontails and the many other wild creatures that need this habitat. Others help to support the volunteer efforts associate with rabbits in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Fish & Game Department
NH Fish and Game's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, established in 1988, is the steward for the state's nongame wildlife -- species not hunted, fished or trapped. Through wildlife monitoring and management, plus outreach and education, the Nongame Program works to protect over 400 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, as well as thousands of insects and other invertebrates. The program works in cooperation with other New Hampshire agencies and organizations to develop and implement effective conservation strategies to protect and enhance this diverse group of wildlife.

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
UNH Cooperative Extension foresters and wildlife specialists provide research-based education to landowners and communities, helping them make informed decisions concerning their land, which often includes managing habitat for a diversity of wildlife. UNH Extension wildlife staff also coordinate volunteer pellet surveys to determine the distribution of rabbit species, and coordinate volunteer work days to improve habitat on conserved lands being managed specifically for New England cottontail.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
The Natural Resources Conservation Service and its partners use Farm Bill conservation programs to improve wildlife habitat through sustainable agriculture, including forestry activities and forest management practices. The NRCS works with private landowners and land managers to create habitat for a wide range of mammals, birds, and reptiles that need young forest, including New England cottontail.

Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire
The Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire was created in 2006 to help fund projects and programs that sustain the traditions, lifestyle and special places we cherish here in New Hampshire. The Foundation is a charitable, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose stated purpose is to “enhance, through private financial support, the critical conservation programs of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, so that people and wildlife will benefit for generations to come. Funding for projects and programs comes from private and corporate donations, memorial gifts, bequests, the annual NH Moose Permit Auction, and the proceeds of our auction program for donated fishing and/or hunting equipment.